The village where half of its population fled due to the sleeping curse, Kalachi village - Janatna

The village where half of its population fled due to the sleeping curse, Kalachi village

 Kalachi village, Kalachi is a village located in the Akmolinsk district of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kalachi is located several kilometers from mines for extracting uranium, as these mines were considered a source of radar gas, which is believed to have caused the residents of that area to become infected with a mysterious disease that causes them to have long and sudden seizures during the day.


The riddle of the Kazakh village of Kalachi:

The village in which half of its residents decided to flee because of the sleeping curse that afflicted them. The residents of Kalachi fell asleep suddenly and without warning. Some slept for two hours and then woke up, and some cases remained asleep for days.

Kalachi village

The phenomenon of sleeping in Kalachi is a condition that differs from the deep sleeping disease in Africa that was caused by flies at that time. Explanations for this strange phenomenon indicate:

Stroke, encephalopathy, edema, numbness, or chronic fatigue syndrome.

Despite examining the water, food and soil to find out the cause, nothing was found.

The first case of deep sleep was recorded in a nearby village in 2010, and in 2013 eight people from the village of Kalachi fell asleep for more than a week, unable to wake up for a period longer than it took to go to the bathroom or eat a small meal.

In 2014, at the beginning of the school year, a large group of students fell asleep on their first day for no apparent reason, which led to the suspension of the study hour, especially after the students began hallucinating and seeing strange things.

This put the village in a miserable condition, so they reduced working hours because many became terrified and began to abandon the village.


The strange thing is that after patients wake up from their sleep, they do not remember anything that happened to them, even those short moments in which they woke up to relieve themselves or eat a small meal.

The phenomenon continued over and over again in the village of Kalachi, which became prey to the disease in a horrific manner. In 2014, a cat was affected by this condition.

The problem is so bad that by 2015, the Kazakh authorities moved about 40 families out of that village and gave them homes in other places, meaning that the village is being officially evacuated.

Doubts arose around the uranium mines left behind by the Soviet Union, so scientists examined about seven thousand samples of land, water, and food to ensure that they were free of radon, a cancer-causing gas.

The air, as well as the residents' hair and nails, were also examined, but no accurate results emerged.

After years of investigation and study, the authorities announced at the end of 2015 that the cause of deep sleep sickness is high concentrations of carbon monoxide, CO, and hydrocarbons coming from mines, which leads to a lack of oxygen in the air of the region, as confirmed by scientists from the National Nuclear Center of Kazakhstan. Those results.

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